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@parker @MK2boogaloo A guy at my college turned in his thesis to get his masters in structural engineering. One of the profs congratulated him and pulled a Columbo. "Just one more thing, what's the fundamental theorem of calculus?" He botched the answer and it cost him another semester.

Anyone sit around and listen to audiobooks/shows with family and friends?

Daniel boosted

I often get asked something like:

"Why work on email clients? Isn't Gmail what most people use?"

The answer: a ton of people use Gmail and O365/Outlook. So many that it is endangering the email standard. But Email is the most decentralized communication technology out there - and great clients help protect that. So that folks can have a great email experience, regardless of the server/provider they use.

Protect email. Use Thunderbird.

Daniel boosted

it's endlessly funny to me that humanity FIRST figured out how to show pictures on a screen by using carefully calibrated and timed electromagnets to sweep an electron beam of varying intensity across a glass panel coated in phosphor thousands of times a second, and SECOND put a bunch of lights in a rectangle

@MisterRogersSnapped Ain't that the truth. Our minds and our children's minds. I used to know a few books of the Bible word for word and it would be good to get back into that practice. It is important to me and has been a benefit. One day I'll finish this (it is a bit repetitive) because it has some insights too.

We’re getting snow and our first frost of the season. It’s time for the ritual blanket fort!

Daniel boosted

New Law Mandates 'Kill Switches' in ALL Cars from 2026 Onwards!

Of course there are a lot of serious concerns about this new law.

Car Coach Reports

My dogs rarely have to be on leash, but this is good to know.

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

@ReadyKilowatt @mhjohnson A lot of time it's family coming to visit for us. As prices for all this go up, we're just meeting up elsewhere to get more bang for our buck.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter I don’t know for sure if that’s what it is, but if it is, don’t leave roots anywhere you don’t want it spreading and cut it back before any seed pods have a chance to form. It’s a cool plant, livestock and people can eat it and it grows fast. Treat it like a fire, nice and useful, but it belongs in the hearth, not burning down the whole house.

“Be free from the love of money, content with such things as you have, for he has said, ‘I will in no way leave you, neither will I in any way forsake you.’ So that with good courage we say,
‘The Lord is my helper. I will not fear.
What can man do to me?’"

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