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Some interesting debate on cryptocurrencies at the 2022 Web Summit.

I heard that Kevin Conroy died a couple of days ago. He voiced Batman in the animated series back in 1992. It is a pretty solid series that still stands up, and obviously had a lot of talent behind it.

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

I don't care about celebrities showing up and posting on the fedi, what's really concerning me now is that people who knew me in high school are here.

Daniel boosted

@atyh I’m about halfway through Letter to the American Church and a lot of time is spent around silence in the face of evil. The world needs truth, and the truth is, we’re in a spiritual war.

Some of you non-techies expressed interest in learning a little bit more about computers, so I'm putting a guide together. I really am no one and not particularly knowledgeable, but I might be able to point you in the right direction. Here is tonight's homework. Maybe get some friends together to read and discuss. I'll write a little more every few days.

I am finally, and very inconsistently, refraining from double spacing before a new sentence.

There are basic things that I wish non-techie folks would look into and learn.
1.) Learn your natural rights and who they come from. These rights extend into computing. For computers that you own, YOU should be in control of what they do. Most smart phones and Windows computers are not this.
2.) The Cloud is just someone else's computer(s). Learn how to store and backup your data.
3.) You can do so much for yourself. You don't need to rely on bad actors for services.

What else would you advise?

@atyh I wonder, with modern technology, how quickly we could breed crops for their local environments, not just focusing on yields, but the whole picture. Obviously being able to save seed is desirable, as well as needing less pesticides and herbicides. I'm not really against GMO exactly, but am definitely against the patenting and ownership of a strain. Our food systems need to be robust and not be dependent on, or owned by, a few corporations in a fragile system. Plants are complex though.

@atyh Good ears. Swan Quarter to Ocracoke ferry circa 2001. It's a bit compressed though, which sounds spacey.

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

@ned I see him most mornings and my daughter wanted a small one for a night light when she was little.

I’ve been thinking about you folks in Northern Europe with the winter coming and high heating costs. I was just considering my chest freezer and how it might be converted to a heater. I think it can hold around 400 liters of water. As long as you could heat the water(the hotter the better) to at least 10-15 degrees Celsius, you could turn it on and it would be a pretty decent heat pump until the water got too cold. A rocket stove, if you have wood, or solar thermal could do it.

@futzle Yeah, sorry about that, they just immediately reminded me of Dye Hard. It is pretty cool what you're doing. Is that cochineal maybe? I've put out produce alongside candy and it always goes first. Sure, some of it's the novelty, but a lot of kids don't even know what real food is.

Daniel boosted


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