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“I’m going to be responsible and get more sleep.” -Me
“OK, time for a new day!” -Me

@mary needs at least twice as much sleep, you know, like a normal person. Whenever I switch gears mentally, I need a 30 minute nap, but then I’m good.

Daniel boosted

I interviewed Michelle Yeoh a few years ago about #StarTrekDiscovery and I mentioned offhand that I'd written an article about what seeing her use her accent on the bridge of a starship meant to me.

She stopped and said "Wait, that was YOU?"

And then proceeded to talk about how much that article had meant to HER and how it contributed to the success of the show.

I can't think about it without crying.

(The original article:

#MichelleYeoh #StarTrek #Oscars

@mary and I watched Jamie’s £1 Wonders last week and enjoyed it. I only think there's one episode out, but apparently there are a lot of folks who felt rubbed the wrong way by the show. The guy is just showing people how to make cheap and healthy meals, is there something I'm missing?

@mos_8502 This; however, capitalism really isn’t the root cause IMO. There were alternatives available when these systems were coming together, but most people were too lazy to be bothered to learn and use them. Many who did want to learn were not able to or were dissuaded by many of the horrible personalities in the tech sphere. These days I am seeing less and less of that and there is a spirit of kindness that you folks embody. It gives me hope.

@atyh There are times when I think Monero was right to focus on anonymity.

@acnewberry @Johncdvorak That is evil. Is there a serious explosion of STDs or something? Last time I went for a physical, my doc kept insisting that I get tested. I had to explain to her like 3 times that there was no need and why.

Daniel boosted
"The class of citizens who provide at once their own food and their own raiment, may be viewed as the most truly independent and happy. They are more: they are the best basis of public liberty, and the strongest bulwark of public safety. It follows, that the greater the proportion of this class to the whole society, the more free, the more independent, and the more happy must be the society itself." -- James Madison
Daniel boosted

Heartbreaking message from a Dutch farmer:

“Tonight was the last time we milked our cows. After 90 years, this is it for the organic dairy sector. We aren’t allowed to continue because we were labelled a ‘peak polluter’. We fought for 3 years.”

Our government destroys lives.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 @MaryMamuzich Thought I’d post and update. This is Paco, on the left, getting a souvenir and a little bonus on his 20th anniversary with my company. He’s recovering well and is on light duty for another month or so. Pretty amazing after breaking both his scapulae and suffering internal damage in the crush. Thank you for your prayers!

After a few years of Mormon solicitation, I decided to sit down with a few of them and chat every couple of weeks. I enjoy our talks and they're not pushy. They have some wild beliefs and I learn about new ones every time we get together. It would be easy to mock them, but they are, from what I've seen, good and decent folks and make good neighbors. We have way more in common than the folks running the school boards. I'm not drinking the cool aid, but we're at war and allies aren't a bad thing.

@atyh I don't agree with him on everything, but Joe Rogan has absolutely been a force for good in the world. People see it and want it.

Daniel boosted

@james Yeah, we’ve been working on it for a bit. Who did you see?

Daniel boosted
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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!