@christopher That looks fun!
@Linux_in_a_Bit Checking this out now.
@christopher Nice!
@LibrarianRA Oh jeeze, this was my car in 2000.
@daveburdick We have tons of rabbits and a few foxes near us. I got to watch a litter of foxes grow up this year. Iirc, rabbit fertility plummets when predator numbers are high and the resulting population collapse hurts the predators worse.
Simple, but not easy.
"America sees the absurdities—she sees the kingdoms of Europe, disturbed by wrangling sectaries, or their commerce, population and improvements of every kind cramped and retarded, because the human mind like the body is fettered 'and bound fast by the chords of policy and superstition': She laughs at their folly and shuns their errors: She founds her empire upon the idea of universal toleration: She admits all religions into her bosom; She secures the sacred rights of every individual; and (astonishing absurdity to Europeans!) she sees a thousand discordant opinions live in the strictest harmony ... it will finally raise her to a pitch of greatness and lustre, before which the glory of ancient Greece and Rome shall dwindle to a point, and the splendor of modern Empires fade into obscurity."
- Noah Webster, 1781
Een vleestaks kan gunstig zijn voor de natuur, dieren, boeren en de volksgezondheid. Consultancybureau EY bestempelde de heffing als ‘onuitvoerbaar’. Maar dat onderzoek, in opdracht van het ministerie van Landbouw, is volgens experts gekleurd en eenzijdig. Niet zo gek, omdat het ministerie de opdracht zo formuleerde dat de uitkomst vooraf al bijna vaststond. https://www.ftm.nl/artikelen/onderzoek-ey-naar-vleestaks-eenzijdig-sturend-twijfelachtig-en-gekleurd
Tolkein: "What if there was a magical artefact that let you communicate across long distances, but it was addictive and secretly spied on you and fed you disinformation and filled you with paralysing despair?"
Me: "That's a phone."
@Berrybunchfamily @StevenBerry I was wondering how you were doing, glad you're not feeling too bad. Thank God for modern medicine!
@mary and I watched Flight of the Navigator last night. I loved that movie growing up and is is still good! Tonight we watched Life After the Navigator and it's about the life of the child actor after the film...People, don't treat your kids like adults, know where they are, and keep them as far away from addictive snares as possible. It was a sad story about Joey Cramer's fall through the cracks, but he has gotten up and we're rooting for him and everyone else in his shoes!
@Big_Diggity Should I give it a listen?
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