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Daniel boosted

Me: I just wish I was a better dad
Wife: you are a great dad
Me: then why do I sometimes get so angry at my daughter
Wife: I think you can be a great dad *and* sometimes get really angry
Me: Bandit doesn’t
Wife: Bandit is amazing
Me: I know
Wife: he’s a cartoon dog though
Wife: maybe don’t compare yourself to a cartoon dog
Wife: did you forget he was a cartoon dog?

Me: “That was cool!”
@mary: “Bye horny toad, hope you get laid!”

@HiroProtagonist @magicalthinking Same, maybe 9yo. I grew up where Ender and Card live, so places like lake Brandt in the story made it even better.

Daniel boosted

If you folks aren’t going on good walks everyday, you’re missing out. An hour or two a day will prevent/reverse many illnesses, both physical and mental.

@daveburdick We have tons of rabbits and a few foxes near us. I got to watch a litter of foxes grow up this year. Iirc, rabbit fertility plummets when predator numbers are high and the resulting population collapse hurts the predators worse.

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!