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Daniel boosted

Like this 1970 paper "The Nucleus of a Multiprogramming System"... I kind of want to just... *hug* it? It does such a good job of explaining what IS a process, what IS a peripheral, and ultimately what IS an operating system. In 11 pages!

Daniel boosted

Computer science papers from say 1955 to 1975 are so exciting to read. There's so much fundamental stuff that we have mostly been iterating on variations of for the last 40 years. These variations are of course important, but nothing beats the thrill of reading contemporary discovery/invention of the fundamentals.

Over the course of one summer, Duffel counselors travel in close-knit teams made up of about 10 people 2 of which might be from the USA, gaining ministry and outreach experience as they learn to impact kids through Christian camps. Being a counselor is a life-changing opportunity for individuals looking to develop ministry skills as well as be exposed to evangelism and outreach opportunities.
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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!