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Even though I have a ton of projects and have no business picking up anything else, I have finally started learning C, something that I've put off for 25 years. Decided to go with Learn C the Hard Way, anyone have any opinions/advice?

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

What may be done at any time will be done at no time.

– Scottish Proverb


Don't think my toots are making it out of my instance. Trying a different client...

Daniel boosted

“I know mint is an invasive species, but it's just one little mojito plant. What could go wrong?” #plants #gardening

I lost my good friend John Ferry this morning to cancer. He was blind, yet used his love and gift for music to bring more joy and life to others in 30-some years than some manage in 90. Live your life like John. You will be missed dear friend, and I can't wait to see you again.

Rare photo of mother Wrench feeding her new hatchlings. Breathtaking. @Gargron

Daniel boosted

I am absolutely awestruck by this birdsite exchange between a federal agency, a state, and a private citizen

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

Sad to hear about John Conway's death from Covid-19. May he oscillate forever in our memories.

@JarrettMiller Having good co-workers makes life a lot better, thanks for all you do.

Daniel boosted
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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!