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Daniel boosted

So for anyone who wasn't following, Google pressured a bunch of #fediverse app developers to do an impossible thing and in the end they had to delete their app off the Play Store

Here is a good synopsis by @SubwayTooter

Who doesn't like the Babylon Bee?😂 Going to actually play this BINGO tonight.

“Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the apples inside a seed.”
-Robert H. Schuller

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

Re-writing the Bible. According a new Chinese textbook that is being used to teach ethics to law students - Jesus said to the accusers of the adulterous woman "let him who is without sin cast the first stone" and after they all left - Jesus killed the sinful woman by stoning her to death.
China has commissioned a team of translators to translate the Bible into a more socialist friendly version. This is just a glimpse of what is to come.

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

Didn't think I would care much about the 4k on the new TV, but I am loving my FoxtrotGPS maps in all their high definition.

ALSA is doing some annoying popping after I updated it and my kernel. I'm assuming it's ALSA because the problem persists across Pulseaudio and JACK. Sound on Linux is a rabbit hole, and if you ever get everything working like you want, a party is in order.

Found my first cellphone while looking for my multimeter. I really didn't want one at the time, but it was getting socially awkward. Definitely didn't like smartphones because they seemed like a Swiss Army knife; could do a lot, but nothing well. Then the iPhone pretty much changed that. Talk about being wrong! How many devices does a phone replace these days?

Watching No Safe Spaces by Dennis Prager and Adam Carolla. Have always liked Prager. Many of you people on the Fediverse are liberal, but you guys see that there are a lot of ideas being used in your name that are poisonous. Free speech is of the utmost importance. If Hitler wanted to give a speech on a college campus, you should be able to listen to it and determine it to be the BS that it is. Dark times ahead I'm afraid.

In God We Trust
E Pluribus Unum

Proud owner of a new graphics card that doesn't fit in the case...

Daniel boosted

Was going to write a post about this #Google car real-time tracking you, but then I realised I'm cycling around with an #Android phone in my pocket. 😐

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!