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It's decisions like these that separate good leaders from the bad ones. Emotions can't come into the picture on scales this large. They have to look at the data and put a value on a life. This is tough and necessary. My great grandfather, though he wasn't really a farmer, grew and sold peanuts and it helped get my family through the Great Depression. If you really want to help the poor, peanuts are a good way.

My toddler has started 3hrs of daycare a week to get her out of the house and expose her to others and I was pretty surprised to find out about the nut ban that is pretty much everywhere these days. I didn't have to deal with all of this with her older sister. Nuts, and peanuts in particular, are probably the healthiest food around, especially when cost, availability, and environmental impact are considered. These policies MIGHT save a few lives, yet they eliminate great benefit overall.

This might be the key to getting through a game of Monopoly.
Will give it a shot this weekend, but that description on the website...

Daniel boosted

Heard that orange juice lowers your blood pressure, so I tested it out today. Verified. 125-110 psi 30min after drinking 12 ounces and still working after 3 hours. My BP isn't that high, but dang, why didn't I know this before?

Daniel boosted

I think one of the best ways to work towards more privacy in various areas is simply to ask the people in charge.

Today I got the answer from a request about the app of my health insurance about "Why does it contain Firebase Analytics and Google AdMob?" and "Why does it require Google Play services?". It helps. One doesn't have to always go into full debate mode. Instead: Ask questions, be friendly, make informed decisions.


Daniel boosted

So for anyone who wasn't following, Google pressured a bunch of #fediverse app developers to do an impossible thing and in the end they had to delete their app off the Play Store

Here is a good synopsis by @SubwayTooter

Who doesn't like the Babylon Bee?😂 Going to actually play this BINGO tonight.

“Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the apples inside a seed.”
-Robert H. Schuller

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

Re-writing the Bible. According a new Chinese textbook that is being used to teach ethics to law students - Jesus said to the accusers of the adulterous woman "let him who is without sin cast the first stone" and after they all left - Jesus killed the sinful woman by stoning her to death.
China has commissioned a team of translators to translate the Bible into a more socialist friendly version. This is just a glimpse of what is to come.

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

Didn't think I would care much about the 4k on the new TV, but I am loving my FoxtrotGPS maps in all their high definition.

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Camp Duffel

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