Making the traditional chicken stew that we have most years. It is very simple and I enjoy it with saltines and Texas Pete hot sauce.
Boil a whole chicken in a covered pot of water covering about 2/3 of the bird until cooked.
Remove the bird and any undesirables from the stock and refrigerate.
Remove the skin and bones from the chicken and shred the meat.
Take out anything too dark or inedible and refrigerate.
My grandmother is on the last leg of her journey in this life. She became unresponsive and has entered hospice care. The workers who see this every day believe her time to be very short. I am very excited for her. Her husband, my grandfather, died twice and was brought back before dying years later. He described being in a paradise where God's love was like sunlight shining on him and those belonging to Christ. He didn't want to leave. I believe that he is there waiting for my grandmother.
So, just heard the news that users of Minecraft Java Edition will have to sign up for a Microsoft account or lose access to the game.
If you want a FOSS alternative, try checking out @Minetest
You can download it for Linux, Mac, Windows, Android and BSD from
You might also want to look at the world-building @illunaminetest and the video-creating @MinetestVideos
For discussing this news, see the thread here:
Not really into metal, but this was great.
Update on my grandmother. She didn't want to eat 2 days ago and has slept more, but has since been eating chicken soup that my mother made for her. She ate her normal lunch today and a cookie, which I think is a good sign. O2 levels are good and no fever. This is all coming from staff, so I hope it is true. 15/20 of the residents are confirmed and 2 have passed away. Thank you for all of the prayers, I hope that she continues to recover!
My Gotennas arrived today! Glad to say pairing with a couple phones was a cinch. First test on range through a wooded neighborhood(one was in a house)...disappointing. I was only able to reach about 2000' from inside my truck. I will try a real line of sight test soon, but I hear people regularly get 20 miles through air.
"If it is possible, as much as it is up to you, be at peace with all men. Don’t seek revenge yourselves, beloved, but give place to God’s wrath. For it is written, 'Vengeance belongs to me; I will repay, says the Lord.' Therefore 'If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in doing so, you will heap coals of fire on his head.' Don’t be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
-Romans 12:18-21
Marathon Training: