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@Garrett Remember that time when you won that debate by writing Nintendo Power and proving me wrong?

If you can measure it, you can manage it. To me, a free society is one that isn't managed centrally by some bureaucratic beast, but rather by individuals managing their own lives as they see fit. The number of "measurements" that the governments and corporations have on us is staggering and only ever growing. When someone asks me, "How many people are on the Fediverse?", it is so beautiful to reply, "No one knows." @Gargron

Ok, just learning about shell built-in commands after realizing cd wasn't a program. Makes total sense actually. There are probably hundreds of things like this that I don't know. Finding out what is really going on with computers is a journey I fear that no one can finish these days.

Daniel boosted

So we’ve been learning about 2-way radio and basic radio discipline. The kids have seemed a little distracted, and I’ve worried they’re not into it. But tonight I hear:

“K-fox this is batgirl. Over”
“Batgirl, this is k-fox. Go ahead. Over”
“K-fox, commence operation Foxtrot Oscar Oscar Delta”
“Batgirl, roger wilco. K-fox out.”

And then they came and asked for dinner 😁

Huh, today is my 1 year anniversary on the Fediverse!😃Time flies!

Took the pups for an outing today to burn some energy. They weren't excited at all.

All I want for Christmas is a Toughbook running Linux with an e-ink display...

Good news! Colorado officials have removed restrictions on worship and churches are now considered "essential business".

"Only men to whom the family is sacred will ever have a standard by which to criticize the state."
-G.K. Chesterton

Daniel boosted
Websites are like "in order to deliver the best experience blah blah blah blah"

I don't want you to deliver an experience, I want you to deliver some HTML


Daniel boosted

cyberpunk hot take: the cloud is just low-rent coffin hotels for your data and just as seedy. make sure you wipe everything down.

I had a good idea today for a software project, but I am not a programmer. What I need is a super experienced grey beard for advice. Where does one find/hire such a person?

Daniel boosted

I read some Of Plimoth Plantation, by William Bradford around Thanksgiving time every year. For those who don't know, it is a firsthand account of the people we know as the Pilgrims in the US who landed 400 years ago. I usually read about their first year 1620 in book 2, but this time branched out to 1623. Here is an excerpt.
Basically, communism didn't work; even for these hardcore moral people. Private property turned failure to success. Nothing new under the sun.

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Camp Duffel

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