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Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

Brother-in-law’s family is watching the kids tonight for a parents night out! What will my beautiful bride and I do with three hours to ourselves?

Daniel boosted

My granddaughter got discharged from the hospital!! Jesus blessed us with a tiny bundle of joy.

This looks pretty cool. Never gone on a couple week camping trip, but something like this would do nicely.

Daniel boosted

Took a couple day trip to Glenwood Springs with the family. The pups had a great time too!

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

When Mozart was 8 this tree was over 40.
When first Steam Engine was patented this tree was 50.
When the Wright Brothers flew the first motorized plane this tree was 180.
Now at aged 300 it was felled for a service road for HS2
Words fail me.
~ David Attenborough.

Fun fact. Andre the Giant once drank 156 pints of beer in one sitting. Being well over 500 pounds, the staff couldn’t move him when he passed out and had to wait for him to wake up.

Saw on an old 2018 Babylon Bee post about how Google left Easter off of its homepage doodle in honor of the empty tomb. 2021, still no doodle? Here are some archived doodles that Google deemed important enough to advertise.
These people preach equality and fairness, but don’t think that they aren’t pawns of the evil one. Sever ties with companies like Google, don’t feed the beast.

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!