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I'm absolutely against vaccine mandates. It's terrible precedent that you are trying to set President Biden. Not legal and, more importantly, wrong. Nothing wrong with showers right? Don't be complicit in feeding a system that can oppress you and generations to come.

Ugh. Go find your fortune instead of being content to live off of someone else’s.

Daniel boosted
>palantir bought $50m in gold bars

if palantir of all entities is prepping, im worried

Was thinking about what blockchain/cryptocurrency technology might look like in a pre-electronics world. Carrier pigeons, human computers, libraries? Obviously things would be much slower, but I wonder if it would have been practical for some use cases.

Who doesn’t like running in and out of cold storage on a hot day?

Lately in life I have been noticing a needless, ever-growing complexity of things. Things that should be simple take a lot of time, or are impossible, to understand. Reasons are given, of course, such as quality, scalability, etc. The over-complication of something is a good sign that evil is present. The Gospel of Christ was delivered to us in a way that anyone could understand and share. I think church autonomy is vital and this Docent Group stinks.

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

@Berrybunchfamily Thank you
.thank you....much appreciated..

😂 🕺 🕺 🕺

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