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It's a snowy morning here in Denver, but you can join us online for worship!

The Goldeneye development team at Rare, back in the 90's, probably got more lawns mown than all of the landscaping marketing worldwide. If their faces look familiar it's because they used them for character skins. My brother and I were SO excited when we had finally saved up enough to buy an N64 console and this game. I'm not sure if my daughter's generation has anything quite like that to look back on.

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

russell brand outs the WEF
(he has 5 million+ subs, about half JRE has)
Watch "So They DO Run The World" on YouTube

Not sure if this song got out of Denver in 2005, but it still seems on point in 2022.

Some of my Russian friends who updated their profiles in support of Ukraine! They know the risks.

Daniel boosted

"At present the nations are heavily armed and are inventing weapons more and more terrible, as if the chief end of man could only be answered by destroying myriads of his fellows. Yet peace will prevail one day.

How will this come about? By trade? By civilization? By arbitration? Peace will be established only by the reign of the Prince of Peace. He must teach the people by His Spirit, renew their hearts by His grace, and reign over them by His supreme power, and then will they cease to wound and kill.

Man is a monster and only the Lord Jesus can turn a lion into a lamb. By changing man’s heart, his bloodthirsty passions are removed. Pray that the Giver of Peace would speedily put an end to war and establish concord over the whole world.”
- Charles Spurgeon (1887)

Daniel boosted

I've heard it said that the older you get, the more conservative you get. For me though, the older I get, the more I identify with Hawkeye, at least politically. #Russia #Ukraine #politics

Daniel boosted


@MMA and @itztheschnitz in a Toot reminded me of the book 1984.

When I first read 1984 way back in 1972, it seemed so far out there that I figured I would never see any of it happen even though the "cool" rock stars and lefties of the day warned against it.

But in 1973 my city got it's first police helicopter. Soon the first personal computers arrived and law enforcement embraced them. Coupled with the radios they had it was now possible to run warrants during a traffic stop.


Daniel boosted

The Euro was launched in 1992, it's 30 years old this year.

Bitcoin was launched in 2009, it's 13 years old this year.

In 2024 bitcoin will be half the age of the Euro.

I wonder which will last longer?

They are very different projects.

Bottom up vs top down.

The modern dollar and GBP launched in about 1972 when the gold standard ended. They're about 50 years old. Bitcoin's been up over 20% of the time that the modern dollar has existed.

Probably the dollar and the pound will be replaced by central bank digital currencies rather than properly collapse I suppose.

That's basically just a state bank-account. Tax auto-deducted. Benefits auto-paid. Blockable by the fuzz in the event you're accused of a crime, rightly or wrongly. For legitimate or political reasons.

The future of money looks weird and politically charged whether a top-down or bottom-up system would take over.

Either way we may regret giving up cash money.

How does your bicycle keep rolling along after you stop peddling? It's called a freewheel.

Polaris Hall was quite a project, getting ready for another at the academy.

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