Ugh, having kids is a challenge. An autistic one more so. At some point, I'm guessing a couple of weeks ago by the state of things, Heidi turned off a chest freezer full of meat. I've been eating mostly plant-based and had decided to throw a party and feed a bunch of people with it....shame. Yeah, I'm going to re-freeze that before trying to clean it out.
This is about a farming family that I knew growing up. Good folks who excelled in everything they set their minds to. Steven's brother, Rick, has been involved in computing for a long time and is humble enough to keep a lot of his accomplishments to himself. I would bet that he has made a huge impact on the industry.
I really should write up that whole "Computers used to be like stone towers constructed by wizards for specific purposes, and now they're mostly identical apartment blocks" piece that's been kicking around on my head for a while.
It's not a bitter or negative comparison, I'm not going all "things were better in the good old days", but ... I guess I'm trying to build a tower here, just to remember how it was done.
Maybe I'll allow visitors at some point.
It's a snowy morning here in Denver, but you can join us online for worship!
The Goldeneye development team at Rare, back in the 90's, probably got more lawns mown than all of the landscaping marketing worldwide. If their faces look familiar it's because they used them for character skins. My brother and I were SO excited when we had finally saved up enough to buy an N64 console and this game. I'm not sure if my daughter's generation has anything quite like that to look back on.
russell brand outs the WEF
(he has 5 million+ subs, about half JRE has)
Watch "So They DO Run The World" on YouTube
Not sure if this song got out of Denver in 2005, but it still seems on point in 2022.
"At present the nations are heavily armed and are inventing weapons more and more terrible, as if the chief end of man could only be answered by destroying myriads of his fellows. Yet peace will prevail one day.
How will this come about? By trade? By civilization? By arbitration? Peace will be established only by the reign of the Prince of Peace. He must teach the people by His Spirit, renew their hearts by His grace, and reign over them by His supreme power, and then will they cease to wound and kill.
Man is a monster and only the Lord Jesus can turn a lion into a lamb. By changing man’s heart, his bloodthirsty passions are removed. Pray that the Giver of Peace would speedily put an end to war and establish concord over the whole world.”
- Charles Spurgeon (1887)
This was good.
Marathon Training: