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Well, I ended up watching this whole thing...
Such a cool race and I probably wouldn't even know about it if it wasn't for the movie Race the Sun.

Daniel boosted

Attention Denver, CO Springs, FoCo, and Foothills, I have grass-fed-and-finished bison for sale. Quarters, Eights, and individual cuts.

Plz boost for reach.

A heron at my folk’s house has switched from fish to chipmunk.

I enjoy watching Clarkson's Farm. He could have just retired and relaxed, but instead decided to jump into something brand new to him. It seems pretty obvious that he just wants to create something good and pleasing to himself and share the journey with others. I have a hard time understanding the haters' point of view. He employs a lot of people, raises environmental awareness, tries to make a profit, and makes it entertaining. Endless bureaucracy. I wish I could say the USA was better.

Just started reading Designing Your Perfect House: Lessons from an Architect and I think I’m going to like it. I’ve always had a deep love for architecture, but was always against approaching it formally until I had formed my own opinions firsthand. I kinda like observing buildings to see how they make me feel, then try to figure out why.

I'm not super excited about first person shooters, or gaming in general, but I had a fun thought. We could have something like a LAN party after work, (beer and pizza) with all of the levels being different buildings we've built in the past. We already have most of the models, but they're in Autodesk formats. I remember pulling some stuff into OpenSimulator once, but something like Red Eclipse would be better. Anyone done anything like this?

Daniel boosted

One of my coworker’s sons(13) has been missing since Sunday in Golden. Prayers and watchfulness needed.

Am I the only one who liked the Wilfred(American version) series? I wouldn’t call it super wholesome, or for kids, but it struck a chord with me.

Daniel boosted

Think I’m going to take the saw on a stroll, it needs a nap.

Ok, got it working…that was tough.

~$ sudo apt install inetutils-talk inetutils-talkd inetutils-inetd

remove the "#<off>#" in front of the "talk dgram..." line in the /etc/inetd,conf file.

~$ sudo mv /bin/inetutils-talk /bin/talk

~$ sudo /etc/init.d/inetutils-inetd restart

Ta'Da, working, at least on the same box.

Thought it would be fun to get the old talk program working in Linux…no luck. It really shouldn’t be that hard. The live typing feature was memorable.

“I have so much to do today that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.”
-Martin Luther

We didn't forget you John. Real hit at parties that one.😂

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Camp Duffel

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