I can't remember where I picked this up along the way but I really appreciate this approach to matters of doctrine and practice of faith in the church:
In essentials: unity
In non-essentials: liberty
In all things: charity
You can build your own NAS home server and save $100s
Self-hosting your data and services with Network Attached Storage (NAS) is a great way to free yourself from the spiralling costs and tangled web of subscription fees. Whether you’re simply looking to back up your photos or stream 4K movies on your travels, t ...continues
See https://gadgeteer.co.za/you-can-build-your-own-nas-home-server-and-save-100s/
Would you support pizza joints reinstating the 30 minute or free rule?
On the subject of TV series...why do all of the "dramas" have to be so dramatic? Why can't there be just relaxing episodes where nothing stressful happens? Maybe the characters teach something, like a YouTube channel, but based in the show's setting. Once viewers fall in love with a show and its characters, there are so many places they might follow them.
Marathon Training: