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Daniel boosted

I often get asked something like:

"Why work on email clients? Isn't Gmail what most people use?"

The answer: a ton of people use Gmail and O365/Outlook. So many that it is endangering the email standard. But Email is the most decentralized communication technology out there - and great clients help protect that. So that folks can have a great email experience, regardless of the server/provider they use.

Protect email. Use Thunderbird.

Daniel boosted

it's endlessly funny to me that humanity FIRST figured out how to show pictures on a screen by using carefully calibrated and timed electromagnets to sweep an electron beam of varying intensity across a glass panel coated in phosphor thousands of times a second, and SECOND put a bunch of lights in a rectangle

We’re getting snow and our first frost of the season. It’s time for the ritual blanket fort!

Daniel boosted

New Law Mandates 'Kill Switches' in ALL Cars from 2026 Onwards!

Of course there are a lot of serious concerns about this new law.

Car Coach Reports

My dogs rarely have to be on leash, but this is good to know.

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

“Be free from the love of money, content with such things as you have, for he has said, ‘I will in no way leave you, neither will I in any way forsake you.’ So that with good courage we say,
‘The Lord is my helper. I will not fear.
What can man do to me?’"

Daniel boosted

Looking for an office suite that doesn't spy on you or share your data? We're here. LibreOffice is open source (you can study how it works), and backed by a non-profit @tdforg. Enjoy.

Daniel boosted

“Whatcha putting in the bucket boy?”
My dogs are weird. Not sure if they’re saving them from the cat or keeping them for themselves.

Also, Yahoo Serious could have made an excellent kids show. He could have been like Bill Nye, The Wiggles, and Blippi all rolled into one, but better. I think he was like 20 years too early.

Watched Young Einstein with the kiddo this week and she keeps asking for it.

I weirdly remember a lot from when I was pretty young. Ages 2-4. I still remember a lot of routes and roads we would take at the time(all based on landmarks), so tonight I ran through Google Earth and Streetview to verify some of those memories. I didn’t miss a turn, but it was surreal. Heidi is good with directions and knowing where she is too. Many of the landmarks were still there. NC isn’t Europe old, but it is so much older than CO. Things were shaped in a world before automobiles.

Daniel boosted
People should be happy about a nationwide phone service test, or literally ANY test of our existing infrastructure.

The Internet is fucked, ESPECIALLY newly built network.

Every long-haul fiber system is absolutely pushed past the manufacturer's recommended distance for a link, manufacturers wont even do contracted obligational warranty support of new hardware in the field because it is operating so far outside of suggested distance parameters. This, coupled with the fact that we are pushing hundreds of gigs over Clinton era built fiber with a life expectancy of 10 years in 2023 should scare the shit out of you.

There is no cellular network without this backbone. Cellular towers are dependant on hard network infrastructure. The more redundant and well built systems from 20 years ago can't handle the amount of traffic so it is being phased out and new network infrastructure is built to be barely hanging on right out of the gate.

The old POTS system was built to withstand a nuclear attack. New infrastructure is taken out by a stiff breeze.

You should want the infrastructure to be tested, even though they are gonna lie about the results.

Redbox, but USB flash drives with DRM free movies at several quality levels. Would you use this service rather than pirating?

Nandor Fodor Spoilers 

Daniel boosted

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!