Disagreeing with Israel on a matter is NOT antisemitism
Caring for civilian Palestinian lives is NOT antisemitism
Being concerned about the bombings in Gaza is NOT antisemitism
Reservedly understanding there is a reason for the bombing is NOT anti-Palestinian
Desiring a ceasefire is NOT antisemitism, is NOT pro-Hamas
Calling for the death of all Jews IS antisemitism
Calling for the death of any group of people is anti-that-group-of-people
But don't let a handy label get in the media's way.
@nbailey Your guide inspired me to set up a VOIP rotary phone, thanks! It's a fun conversation piece and I forgot how nice handsets are. The 4YO seems drawn to it as well. Can't wait to order a pizza with it later this week!
I often get asked something like:
"Why work on email clients? Isn't Gmail what most people use?"
The answer: a ton of people use Gmail and O365/Outlook. So many that it is endangering the email standard. But Email is the most decentralized communication technology out there - and great clients help protect that. So that folks can have a great email experience, regardless of the server/provider they use.
Protect email. Use Thunderbird.
it's endlessly funny to me that humanity FIRST figured out how to show pictures on a screen by using carefully calibrated and timed electromagnets to sweep an electron beam of varying intensity across a glass panel coated in phosphor thousands of times a second, and SECOND put a bunch of lights in a rectangle
New Law Mandates 'Kill Switches' in ALL Cars from 2026 Onwards!
Of course there are a lot of serious concerns about this new law.
Car Coach Reports
My dogs rarely have to be on leash, but this is good to know.
Emergency Message from @bethany
Looking for an office suite that doesn't spy on you or share your data? We're here. LibreOffice is open source (you can study how it works), and backed by a non-profit @tdforg. Enjoy.
Ron Paul- Israel Created Hamas!
Marathon Training: