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Just go and talk to someone working in retail or fast food like they’re a human being. Ask them how their day’s going and thank them. You’ll notice how unaccustomed they are to be treated decently and how much it brightens their day.

Daniel boosted

I am a #Python developer of a decade or so, with four years of data engineering experience on #AWS and #Azure, looking for work anywhere in #Aotearoa #NZ #NewZealand . Here is my CV:


We started watching her in the Nightbitch movie tonight...pretty interesting so far.

Daniel boosted
I need to find a syncing encrypted journal software for Android and Linux that can be trusted. Needs to have the ability to work offline for those times I may not have good cell signal. I pay for enough stuff as it is, so looking for something free. I'll donate later if I find it's working well. Does anyone have any suggestions? It would be great if I could use my YunoHost server or Nextcloud.

#journal #journaling #encrypted #Yunohost
Daniel boosted

In 2025 the biggest superpower will be the ability to be hopeful and optimistic. Not as a way of avoiding the hard stuff, but in the sense of knowing that change is possible, that nationalism and tribalism can be defeated, and that dystopia is not a preordained fate.

Heidi has been playing with the wood carvings her great grandfather made. I wonder if he had that in mind while working on them.

@mary is drinking from some glasses we got from Arby’s in the late 90’s.

Daniel boosted


Trust has declined more in places where the ecosystem is less structured by TV and more structured by social media.

Trust dynamics can be (better) explained by looking at media structures.

This also suggests new avenues for restoring trust.

Yesterday, Heidi's lovie (Buddy the Sloth) got sucked into a pneumatic tube at a local children's play place. He had to spend the night in the wall until they could open it up and retrieve him this morning.

Daniel boosted

Hi! Here is my new PR to Godot's move_and_slide. It improves the general motion of the body and refractored apply_floor_snap to be simpler and more precise.

If you feel like it, you can test the PR!

You can also provide me with money that i can interchange for good and services here:

#Godot #godotengine #Gamedev #indiedev

I seems weird that the time between now and the release of the movie Elf is greater than the time between Elf and A Christmas Story.

Daniel boosted

“I believe that liberty is the only genuinely valuable thing that men have invented, at least in the field of government, in a thousand years. I believe that it is better to be free than to be not free, even when the former is dangerous and the latter safe. I believe that the finest qualities of man can flourish only in free air -- that progress made under the shadow of the policeman's club is false progress, and of no permanent value. I believe that any man who takes…

We had a wonderful Friendsgiving last night and @mary made a word scramble in Libreoffice. I didn’t get #5 right…

If you like finding buried treasure, surveying might be for you. Thank God for metal detectors!

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!