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Daniel boosted

Getting away for the weekend and hiking with the little one in the mountains!

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

I met a woman today with terminal cancer, two children, and a husband who left because he couldn't cope. She wants nothing from anyone, just happy to have each day she has left. She was the most positive person I've met in recent memory and I am shook. Puts things in perspective.

Went to check out PeerTube, looks like the site is down...

My 2 cents. 

Daniel boosted

I think, that all in all the pandemic actually did me a favour, my main focus always was work and the bank statement, even after I went into a fully blown burnout I did not learn, bought into a company and worked till late at night, not caring for much else. Happiness directly related to income.
Now I am happy when talking to may family and hearing everyone is ok. Ignored my personal health for way too long. Guess I'll have to think a couple of things trough and change them....

Daniel boosted

@daniel On a similar note, anyone interested in helping plan the home computer system? I'm willing to compensate for valuable advice and input. I know what I need it to do and have some ideas as to how to get there, but I doubt it will be elegant. Security, weather monitoring, entertainment, environmental management, thin client outlets Stargate Atlantis in a home.

@daniel On a similar note, anyone interested in helping plan the home computer system? I'm willing to compensate for valuable advice and input. I know what I need it to do and have some ideas as to how to get there, but I doubt it will be elegant. Security, weather monitoring, entertainment, environmental management, thin client outlets Stargate Atlantis in a home.

*sigh. I've been planning on building a house for several years now and I have re-designed this thing so many times. I should have already broken ground and yet here I am, making some fairly serious structural changes because of pricing increases and logistics. Every time I do this the details get better and I'm a little faster, but what is wrong with me? This has been a dream since childhood, but I can't seem to get finished.

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

@Gina Give it some time :) As long as you two get along well, your parents will come to the same conclusion.

There will always be one or another joke/statement that is a bit odd, but usually it's not meant to cause harm and it'll work out. The hardest part is done, you introduced him, from now on, it's only going forward! :)

Daniel boosted

So suddenly there’s a lot of attention around email and it’s exposing how many people in the web community still use Gmail. Like actually trust all your personal information and communication (and that of your potentially marginalised or vulnerable contacts) with Google. 🤮

There are a lot of hard problems and lack of alternatives when it comes to rights-respecting technology. But email (as imperfect as it is) has a fair few affordable alternative providers. Small change, big difference.

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.

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Camp Duffel

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