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Daniel boosted

After losing his parents, a priest travels to China, where he inherits a mysterious ability that allows him to turn into a dinosaur. At first horrified by this new power, a hooker convinces him to use it to fight crime. And ninjas. @sinbach

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

The Fediverse is still going strong. Between the censorship, privacy concerns, and ads, why stick with the social media giants? Since they are down right now, why not switch and not look back? Preaching to the choir, I know.

Daniel boosted

If you have something that is about to fail or is in need of repair, don't sleep on it.

Going to be a cold hard winter of supply shortages, get your house in order now while you can.

Daniel boosted

Looking at old pictures of Ivy this morning. She's the dog we had to put down last week. Good memories!

Was reading about a company that is 41 years old. I did a double-take when I saw that it was founded in 1980. Time keeps on slipping...into the future.

Daniel boosted

OMG, I think I found the software for the first AutoCAD I ever used! I would love to get this running on something, but I'm not sure where to start...

My little Ivy had to be put down today. She was a rescued boarder collie mutt and was one of the fastest, most agile dogs I’ve known. She had one heck of a personality. It was a good (almost) 19 years together old girl!

Daniel boosted

Middle Earth is in New Zealand, Mad Max is in Australia, therefore...

Daniel boosted

"In the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, recipes for making soy sauce at home appeared in English and American cookbooks. Since soybeans were not widely available, these recipes used local ingredients such as mushrooms, walnuts, and fish...

Tomato was another popular ingredient for making American "soy" sauce... The names for these varying sauces were "ketchups," or "catch-ups," or "catsups," derived from the Indonesian word for soy sauce: ketjap."

-- "Eight Flavors"

ketchup is soy sauce????????????????

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Camp Duffel

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