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Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

TIL: the original version of the Serenity Prayer was very different, and much stronger! the modern version that everyone knows goes

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference"

but the original version, as written by Reinhold Niebuhr, is

"Father, give us courage to change what must be altered, serenity to accept what cannot be helped, and the insight to know the one from the other"

three key changes weakened it substantially:

* us -> me
* what *must* be altered -> what i *can* change
* switching the first two clauses, placing the emphasis on serene acceptance rather than reforming courage

Something that someone said about modern society this morning. Rings true.

“The devil's in the details and the details are TLDR.”

Daniel boosted

Making vaccines mandatory is a bad idea. Obviously it's probably one of the most intrusive acts ever. What can be more intrusive than being required to get a needle in your arm, even against your will?

And second, who do you try to motivate with this? People who are afraid of the vaccine, will rush to doctors to get an exemption or fuel a black market for avoidance strategies. Those who oppose this for political reasons will consider it proof for their nightmares.

So what's the goal?

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

The news is in, my company got the contract! Thanks to all of you folks who prayed. God is good even if we lost, but now holiday layoffs are off the table.

Daniel boosted


Please pray for my company to win a contract over the next week. The guys and girls have been fighting hard and fair to procure this work. Been wracking my brain on how to keep all the great workers working before a few other jobs kick off. This win would really help.

Don’t worry too much about politics, but remember the one who is “far above all rule, authority, power, dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in that which is to come.”
Ephesians 1:21 (WEB)

My friend Billy got a cool trail cam picture at the hunting club. That land in NC is almost magical. Whenever I would go hunting as a kid, my teacher said I would be zoned out a few days afterward in thought. Need to get back.

Daniel boosted

Boost this toot if you had Napster in the 90s

Daniel boosted

Was hoping there was more to this, but still a great piece of music.

I just wanted to have a live playlist on a host computer stream A/V to a client iPad(VLC) on the LAN. Why is that so hard? I’ve spent a chunk of the day messing with this to no avail.

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!