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Daniel boosted

My daughter's team won a trail race today at her horse riding club.

Not a major competition, or anything, but a great time with her pony-loving friends, riding through NZ bush, in the rain.

Plus a ribbon to go along with it all!

Sierra is in light blue in the centre of the photo.

I run A/V at my church and it is such a blessing to continually work out the bugs and do rehearsals with all of the volunteers. They are brothers and sisters(some literally), and it is such a sweet time watching their little kids run around while everyone pours out their highest and best. Every week feels like I’m witnessing some monumental part of history. It is such a privilege to be part of this!

Happy Easter! He is risen!
Join us online for worship!

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

Thoughts on this one. I mean, I think eventually it will happen anyway but that doesn't mean I have to agree with it much less like it.


Huh, just noticed that all of my contacts from Fosstodon haven't been federating...How many did I have and how long has it been? Maybe a couple months, wow. Did I tick someone off I wonder, or is it a problem with the servers? FYI, you might have to disappear for a couple months before I notice you're gone.

Daniel boosted

Here is a slideshow of the work the medical team did recently in Panama:
General Med saw 1150 patients
208 eye surgeries
5000 prescriptions filled
1500 reading glasses handed out

Overheard:”Glad it’s not April Fool’s, now I can trust the news again!”
Me: 😂

I love older scientific videos and books. They are almost always of better quality for learning than what we put out now. Here's a great example.

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!