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Daniel boosted

@atyh Starting a journey to figure out how to replicate this and convert it to ammonia fuel.

@atyh Even if you're right to blame capitalism/consolidation, really won't it just give people what they want? If people valued beauty/quality/sustainability over whatever widget can get the job done the cheapest, we would get that don't you think?

When I see things like this, it reinforces my belief that we have lost some wonderful things as a society and they we could be so much better.

Daniel boosted

If you build it, they will come.🙂
Had a nice evening with the family, and the elk joined us at the park.

Daniel boosted

First post to the Fediverse via Starlink! Not in a great location yet, just wanted to see if it worked.

Daniel boosted

Covid ruined a lot of planning, but we are getting back on track. Nate's in Columbia!

Oh. Apparently three other books were written and it is a series.

Did any of you ever read The Giver? It was a new book when we read it in elementary school and it has some good messages that kids these days need to hear. I just learned that it was mostly banned. The movie with Jeff Bridges is pretty solid too.

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!