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Pretty cold out! Join us online for worship this morning at 10:00AM(MST).

Sometimes I look up random old-style websites that aren’t loaded with ads and JavaScript. This one was the most interesting today:

If I opened a brick and mortar freedom focused computer store at the mall (think Linux, BSD, System76, Purism, Pine64, etc.), what would you want to see and what would make it worthwhile to shop there?

Cooked wheat berries (Farrow) + BBQ rub + honey = Delicious

When I wrote the date today, I got the year right first try! Things are looking up.

Daniel boosted

Herrlich, so ein Brückentag. Ich genehmige mir einen Drink nach dem anderen, glotze entspannt ein paar Filme und zocke Game Boy!

Ab und zu lasse ich den Blick durchs leere Büro schweifen und lache über die armen Trottel, die heute etwas mit der Familie machen müssen.

My folks got me an aluminum print of this photo, it’s really nice!

Just made my first Kransekake. Glad it was a trial run…

I’m really liking the Reticulum Network Stack and some of the things that it makes possible. NomadNet is slick and Sideband is available for Android and iOS(TestFlight).
Send me a message if you want to connect.

One of my projects…maybe it’s better this way. Such a poorly run job. Glad we finished up our scope a while back and got paid.

Top notch reference content if you want to know about digital modems and radio.

Daniel boosted

New Zealand Covid-19 vaccination database admin turns whistleblower and reveals how many people died after taking bad batches of the Pfizer vaccine. This must be investigated. If this data of mass vaccine casualties is real there must be accountability.

Daniel boosted

When you're right, you're right!
From: utzoo!decvax!ucbvax!ARPAVAX:CAD:teklabs!tekcad!franka
Subject: Crypto and key lengths
Date: Thu May 13 08:46:37 1982
Newsgroups: net.misc

The only effect an increase in key length in a cryptographic
system has is to make it more cost effective to break security by more
"traditional" means, e.g. phone taps, kidnap and torture of those who
know the keys, etc.

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!