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Daniel boosted

So if projects get anchor-bolt templates, they are usually sheet metal with a template name scrawled on them…this showed up today. Are we in the future?

Beautiful morning and the elk are out bugling to each other.

A personal update from Justine Haupt. Praying for her and her family in this difficult time.

Ugh, I gotta cut a bunch of hay and sell it for what it costs to bale, (hopefully not less) just so the taxman gives me a break...Is this a thing in other parts of the world?

Calling all chefs/engineers! I make pancakes a few times a week and the viscosity of the batter is one of the most critical factors to get right if you want perfection. I’ve learned to eyeball it, but can’t really explain it to my daughter. Can you think of a simple viscosity test she could do with kitchen stuff to replicate the process?

Daniel boosted

Me: I just wish I was a better dad
Wife: you are a great dad
Me: then why do I sometimes get so angry at my daughter
Wife: I think you can be a great dad *and* sometimes get really angry
Me: Bandit doesn’t
Wife: Bandit is amazing
Me: I know
Wife: he’s a cartoon dog though
Wife: maybe don’t compare yourself to a cartoon dog
Wife: did you forget he was a cartoon dog?

Me: “That was cool!”
@mary: “Bye horny toad, hope you get laid!”

Daniel boosted

:blobcatthink: In case you missed it, I recently made a video about the Reticulum Network Stack.
It took a while to make, and released to critical acclaim by like 5 people, so you should give it a watch! :ablobcatattention:

:blobwizard: Reticulum Network: How it Works and Why it's SO GOOD
PeerTube: (sorry, it's a little broken)

Daniel boosted

If you folks aren’t going on good walks everyday, you’re missing out. An hour or two a day will prevent/reverse many illnesses, both physical and mental.

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!