Hi! Here is my new PR to Godot's move_and_slide. It improves the general motion of the body and refractored apply_floor_snap to be simpler and more precise.
If you feel like it, you can test the PR!
You can also provide me with money that i can interchange for good and services here:
“I believe that liberty is the only genuinely valuable thing that men have invented, at least in the field of government, in a thousand years. I believe that it is better to be free than to be not free, even when the former is dangerous and the latter safe. I believe that the finest qualities of man can flourish only in free air -- that progress made under the shadow of the policeman's club is false progress, and of no permanent value. I believe that any man who takes…
We had a wonderful Friendsgiving last night and @mary made a word scramble in Libreoffice. I didn’t get #5 right…
I think you better listen to what Danny has to say...
Proxmox VE Helper-Scripts Project Update (EDIT) · tteck/Proxmox · Discussion #4009
from tteck "I have been diagnosed with incurable appendix cancer that has already spread, and doctors estimate I have less than a month left. Thankfully, hospice care is managing the pain well. This experience has shown me just how brief and precious life is—so make every moment count, and cherish the time you have." 😭 🙏
Marathon Training: