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You have a screw loose @mary! Check out the Magneto helmet she made Timber.

When I see things like this, it reinforces my belief that we have lost some wonderful things as a society and they we could be so much better.

If you build it, they will come.🙂
Had a nice evening with the family, and the elk joined us at the park.

Covid ruined a lot of planning, but we are getting back on track. Nate's in Columbia!

A close family friend that we used to sail with. His kids posted this today and it was too good not to share!

@mary bought me a box of 5th Avenue bars as a surprise because she knows I love them and that they are nowhere to be found in Colorado these days. She even got them shipped to an Amazon locker that was supposedly inside and out of the heat. Sadly, locker was not inside and we got a bunch of non-refundable chocolate puddles. To our shock and delight, they reconstituted almost perfectly in the refrigerator!

Weeds are amazing.

“But he who endures to the end will be saved.”
-Matthew 24:13

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!