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🎉👏My daughter is done with finals and got the highest score on her last exam!

I don't know how my brain is able to read Boustrophedon writing, but it is interesting.

My dad had a good day fishing yesterday, by buddy caught none!😂

Cross Purpose is a great program and our church has been supporting them with volunteers and money for years. If even a fraction of the money wasted on government programs was funneled into them, the world would be a much better place.

Ok I jumped up, hit the lights, and found a stick…this is what was in the freaking bed…

@mary and I made an inflatable snow den tonight and we’re expecting a couple feet of snow by tomorrow. Hopefully Edward will be in in one piece when we wake up! Heidi has no idea.

Prepared my first purple sweet potatoes this morning. They were quite delicious and I prefer smaller potatoes with more skin/volume ratio. There was an aftertaste/mouthfeel that I think I prefer to the regular orange ones.

Bingo Burger in Pueblo makes a pretty good plant-based burger!

I don’t normally watch stuff by myself, but tonight I’m on the road, watching this, and eating roughly a pound of pistachios. Mmm, sweet chili…

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!