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Finally deciding to see what UXN is all about. I've been intrigued, but haven't had any time to look into it.

One of my best friends with his daughter after her high school Christmas concert! His family was displaced by the Khmer Rouge and a local church in my home town figured out a way to get them out of a Thai refugee camp. We were good friends growing up, but he and his family were Buddhist and didn't have anything to do with the church. We had good discussions and I prayed that he would find his faith one day. That day finally came after college and he and his daughter are believers. Don't give up!

Happy Anniversary to my awesome wife @mary ! It’s been a wild 11 years full of good times and bad times(mostly good), and I wouldn’t want to have spent them with anyone else. Here’s to many more, love you babe!

Beautiful day in Denver, minimal harassment from the homeless too.

Keep coming back to this as a pretty good guideline for a whole food plant-based diet.

One of my buddies had Kurt fly jumpseat yesterday. Trying to think of any of his movies that I don't like...great guy from all accounts!

So apparently Heidi knows her numbers and letters! She always puts our finger on things, letters and numbers included, just to get us to say them. She just walked up to the TV and pointed and called out letters and numbers for like a minute. Mary and I were just amazed!

My friend Billy got a cool trail cam picture at the hunting club. That land in NC is almost magical. Whenever I would go hunting as a kid, my teacher said I would be zoned out a few days afterward in thought. Need to get back.

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!