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Here is a slideshow of the work the medical team did recently in Panama:
General Med saw 1150 patients
208 eye surgeries
5000 prescriptions filled
1500 reading glasses handed out

What do you non-techies know about encryption? There is something called steganography that allows encrypted data to be hidden in plain sight. This picture has a hidden message inside and the passkey is "steganography". Anyone want to take a crack at retrieving the message?

Very windy today to the point that it was hard to walk. Told someone to tie my machine down when they used it…they didn’t. I hope it is able to be repaired. If not, that mistake was as costly as wrecking a couple of trucks.

Why have there been no further attempts at the Biosphere project? It’s been almost 30 years. With people talking about space/Mars colonization and panic over climate change, it seems like a good idea to know how to live in a closed system. Maybe it’s just me, but when I start managing small things well, that momentum grows to larger projects. If we knew the minimum amount of resources required to keep people happy and healthy in a sustainable way, I think we could manage the world better.

Every year we watch Darby O’Gill on St. Patrick’s Day, eat something Irish, and have a couple of drinks. We don’t pretend there’s any accuracy to the movie(it was obviously shot in California), but it is fun and whimsical and reminds us of a time when Disney wasn’t so soulless.

@Russ and the medical team have been busy giving sight to the blind, in the name of Jesus, in Panama. They have been stuck for a while due to civil unrest.

26-inch thick armor from a Japanese Yamato class battleship, pierced by a US Navy 16-inch gun. The armor is on display at the US Navy Museum.

The Goldeneye development team at Rare, back in the 90's, probably got more lawns mown than all of the landscaping marketing worldwide. If their faces look familiar it's because they used them for character skins. My brother and I were SO excited when we had finally saved up enough to buy an N64 console and this game. I'm not sure if my daughter's generation has anything quite like that to look back on.

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!