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Not a potato chip, not a potato wedge. Something in between and they’re great!

This is driving us nuts. There was some movie/series that featured ring-shaped storage/authentication devices. These were worn and we have this vague notion that the characters were trying to swipe/swap them. Can't remember what this was and any help would be appreciated.

Ok, just wrote with a pen, the kind that is like a quill that you dip in ink for the first time. It is fun to do.

A heron at my folk’s house has switched from fish to chipmunk.

I enjoy watching Clarkson's Farm. He could have just retired and relaxed, but instead decided to jump into something brand new to him. It seems pretty obvious that he just wants to create something good and pleasing to himself and share the journey with others. I have a hard time understanding the haters' point of view. He employs a lot of people, raises environmental awareness, tries to make a profit, and makes it entertaining. Endless bureaucracy. I wish I could say the USA was better.

I'm not super excited about first person shooters, or gaming in general, but I had a fun thought. We could have something like a LAN party after work, (beer and pizza) with all of the levels being different buildings we've built in the past. We already have most of the models, but they're in Autodesk formats. I remember pulling some stuff into OpenSimulator once, but something like Red Eclipse would be better. Anyone done anything like this?

One of my coworker’s sons(13) has been missing since Sunday in Golden. Prayers and watchfulness needed.

Think I’m going to take the saw on a stroll, it needs a nap.

We didn't forget you John. Real hit at parties that one.😂

Turned some pan-grilled redfish, crab, dirty rice, with brown butter wine sauce into the best nachos when @mary brought some chips and queso home!

@mary has a friend nearby who thought she could make a frozen family wardrobe…success!

We’ve been whining about these newfangled hard hats for a bit, but won’t be after this week. One of my friends and coworkers was involved in a serious accident on Tuesday when a tower crane somehow swung and caught a column form he was on top of. The whole 1000lb mess fell over on him and his body is badly broken. He is expected to make a full recovery, but that probably wouldn’t be true if he had an old hard hat on and fell the way he did 14’. They cost $500, but worth every penny.

We've had a bad stomach bug for the last few days(thanks preschool!), so when Heidi woke up crying a few minutes ago I figured she needed a change. Nope. When I went to check on her, she immediately asked for me to re-read a story from bedtime. OK, I was happy to do that!🙂 Fast asleep now and probably dreaming about Peppa Pig and her shiny apple.

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!