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@ZGoldenReport Agreed. Smart phones are more of a tool usage issue to me though. Still, we take part in all of these things voluntarily. Just because they exist doesn't mean they are good, in fact their cons have now become apparent to everyone paying attention. Turn away from unprofitable things and gently encourage others to do the same.

@rastites This is probably how many believers felt when they moved to areas where the Gospel had never been proclaimed. People had never seen a life of faith firsthand and often laughed at it. However, given time, they saw the love and power of God through these believers and were inevitably drawn in. These people may have heard of Jesus, but now they have the opportunity to actually meet Him through you. We have overcome, by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimonies.

@Olamide 30 years from now.
"Do you remember the 2020 VP debate?"
"You mean the one with the fly?"
"Yeah, who was running then?"
"I can't remember. But that fly..."

@sinbach I wonder which one would give him the best chance for acceptance.

Daniel boosted

You had better play with forked lightning or meddle with the most deadly disease, than trifle with the Word of God.
-D. L. Moody

@sinbach @messenjahofchrist I was going to do this months ago but many just wanted to go with Facebook at my church. I was pretty overworked at the time and didn't feel like arguing against it. Let me know what you come up with! Welcome to the Fediverse! So what do you do as a paleontologist if you're not making/running from dinosaurs?

@MisterRogersSnapped Everyone knows better, yet so many end up finding themselves in a crap storm. The danger is real and part of the allure. Our HR department has a few attractive ladies and I think they get a kick out of flirting and walking the line.

@Kizzy I didn't mean to come across as insensitive if it felt that way, I just think the benefits outweigh the risks on society as a whole. Sorry that your son and family had to go through that. It is great that you taught him how to manage it. Maybe there will be a cure one day!

It's decisions like these that separate good leaders from the bad ones. Emotions can't come into the picture on scales this large. They have to look at the data and put a value on a life. This is tough and necessary. My great grandfather, though he wasn't really a farmer, grew and sold peanuts and it helped get my family through the Great Depression. If you really want to help the poor, peanuts are a good way.

My toddler has started 3hrs of daycare a week to get her out of the house and expose her to others and I was pretty surprised to find out about the nut ban that is pretty much everywhere these days. I didn't have to deal with all of this with her older sister. Nuts, and peanuts in particular, are probably the healthiest food around, especially when cost, availability, and environmental impact are considered. These policies MIGHT save a few lives, yet they eliminate great benefit overall.

@artyr3 Sounds cool, I have yet to dig into BSD audio.
19 Your dead shall live.
Their dead bodies shall arise.
Awake and sing, you who dwell in the dust;
for your dew is like the dew of herbs,
and the earth will cast out the departed spirits.

@blueberry That is a shame. Is it in any way related to Covid19? Best of luck

This might be the key to getting through a game of Monopoly.
Will give it a shot this weekend, but that description on the website... I know that simple little things done regularly can really improve people's health, quality of life, and longevity. That's kinda what I'm looking for. Anyone worth learning from will admit they don't have it all figured out and that it is complex. One thing is sure, what we put in our mouths makes a difference.

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