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Daniel boosted

Anyone one the fediverse interested in #boatbuilding ? Please boost 👍

Daniel boosted

I replaced my personal laptop with a Librem 5 and laptop dock for a week. Here are my impressions: No, Virginia is still living at home by herself. The church looks in on her often though. They have 3 sons that live in other parts of the country. Jack trained service dogs in WWII and helped plant many churches. I think the fact that they moved around contributed to the situation.

This past year our decisions on what to believe had a real impact when it came to Covid19. You couldn't see, hear, or sense the virus until it was too late. Trustworthy news, and our belief of it, was paramount to our well-being and the well-being of those around us. The work of Jesus Christ is just like that. What can one do to survive after this life or the coming house cleaning that God has planned? Nothing but trust that Jesus has you covered. Hold on to that truth and the rest will follow.

"Whatever you will ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." -John 14:13

you@the-world ~ $ sudo make_me_a_sandwich

you is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

Our church lost its oldest member yesterday at 94, Jack Schlieker. He was a great guy with a witty sense of humor, but more importantly he was a devout follower of Jesus Christ. One thing he always stressed was sticking to the truth found in scripture. The pandemic has taken a lot from everyone, but it was especially hard to see it basically cut everyone out of his life in his final year. Here is a video of him and his wife Virginia, celebrating their 70th anniversary last year!

@cmdln Finding folks in the world who help build up your life, rather than just take, is a rare thing. You sir are an encouragement to me and others because you pursue your own constructive happiness and make wise lifestyle decisions even though they may be difficult. Whenever you question if any of this has any meaning at all, remember that your life has more significance than you can know.
“Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the apples inside a seed.”
-R H Schuller

Daniel boosted

@nivex Whoa. I bet the A aspect ratio wouldn't be too bad for screens either.

Picked up a Blue Zones cookbook for some recipe ideas and noticed that all 5 of the zones eat eggs. A lot of WFPB folks demonize eggs but I'm not sure the facts are conclusive. Of course not all eggs are created equal.

@vertigo This is one of the most fascinating aspects of the human mind to me. I enjoy stewing over a relatively difficult problem for a while in various states of mind(no drugs, maybe a few beers) and then BAM a solution presents itself. I've written spaghetti code while nodding in and out of sleep that made absolutely amazing solutions in a few lines and I had no idea what I was looking at the next day. That kind of thinking can't and shouldn't really be rushed.

@sinbach If you open your mouth on behalf of God, you better be sure they are His words because He doesn’t take that lightly. That said, I don’t think most false prophets have bad intentions. I think most want to be special to the point that they deceive themselves into believing they heard something that they didn’t. If you are guilty of this sin, go back to the basics of your faith and start again. Talk to your church elders about how to know if something is from the Lord.

@djsundog We got curious about what became of Hanson over Christmas and(my wife gives me crap about it) I liked them. They are still together, doing what they love, and getting better at their craft. Good on them.

@rezmason I was like, "Uh oh" when I didn't see a readme or anything after extraction, but it ran smooth first try. Why can't everything run like that? Will dig into it more tomorrow.

@Gina I immediately looked at the time thinking it had to be much later than I thought. Good morning and goodnight!

@neauoire @rezmason @rek Looks cool and unique, just bought a copy. When do you think the next update will be out?

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