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@coagain1 This is not a surprise and there is always this constant growth of government and bureaucracy in our lives. The pendulum has to swing the other way sometime. Not everything is owned by the government(very little should be) and they do not have full authority of our lives. People must be free to raise and grow their own food as they see fit. Government might have helped in the past, but now we have access to all the info we need. Hands off!

Daniel boosted

@aurant It depends on what kind of meal. If you're just feeding people I'd do:
A salad of some type.
Hummus wraps, usually put some leafy greens, diced tomatoes, etc inside.
Some potato dish like fries or potato salad.
Fruit salad/vegan icecream for dessert.

@MaryMamuzich The bears at my place generally follow the creek(about a mile away) and don't stray too far from it, but you never know!

God saves a people to himself, through himself, from himself, for himself. Pope Rheesus, authority on all things monkey and ape! Seriously though, the older I get, the more I understand how very limited we are with time and intelligence. It IS a bit disturbing to want to reach for something you can't grasp. Just enjoy the bananas if you can I guess. Good analog story. That is literally in our DNA. Explains a lot actually. You have a much better grasp than I about the technical end of this(I had to look up what a spatial metaphor database was), but people do seem to have a hard time looking backwards and forwards at once. We go out into the world with the idea that the future has no limits and is wide open, only to re-make other's mistakes and find out what really works. We hold onto these hard-earned lessons, as we should, but maybe too much. Wisdom is having both mindsets.

If you're shopping around for Covid19 vaccines, the Johnson & Johnson one uses aborted fetal stem cells lines in development, production and testing. Pfizer and Moderna use them only in testing. The more you know. That’s how I felt about my wife after our first date. Still not sure🙂

“We miss you Robin”
There is a mural next to the first Quiznos that some artists painted right after Williams’ death in 2014. It is not in the nicest of places, yet I have never seen it vandalized at all. I think that alone speaks to his legacy. Life can be unbearable, but suicide sucks. I know you're joking a little, but I've been thinking that an annual week of no tech would do nothing but good for me and the family.

@bstacey I don't have time these days, but I do love the straightforwardness of most old books. The fact that they publish inferior calculus books every couple of years is just sickening. The subject hasn't changed much in a few hundred years. I can't remember any of my calculus classes getting through 100% of any book. Too much bloat to get through in a semester. Think I'll browse through this one!

I'm sure moderation has something to do with it, but reading Youtube comments under music videos is pretty cool. People share how the music brings them back to a time, or place, or person. They tell how it got them through difficult times, etc. Music tells me that there is a God.

"Music is God's gift to man, the only art of Heaven given to earth, the only art of earth we take to Heaven.” -Walter Savage

@MaineStreams @mary @Christine_Smith Haha, nope! That is James Roday and Dulé Hill from Psych, a TV show that you either love or hate. We finally caught the first movie together.

@Starcake Oh jeez, I grew up a few miles away from Horneytown. Tucker's Grill makes a pretty mean burger.

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