@HiroProtagonist We watched the movie last night!
One of my best friends with his daughter after her high school Christmas concert! His family was displaced by the Khmer Rouge and a local church in my home town figured out a way to get them out of a Thai refugee camp. We were good friends growing up, but he and his family were Buddhist and didn't have anything to do with the church. We had good discussions and I prayed that he would find his faith one day. That day finally came after college and he and his daughter are believers. Don't give up!
@Cherishingsparrows2020 @mary Yes, so good!
@bethany @tanjaostman @sinbach One of our friends in the UK got our Christmas card yesterday, took about 3 weeks.
Happy Anniversary to my awesome wife @mary ! It’s been a wild 11 years full of good times and bad times(mostly good), and I wouldn’t want to have spent them with anyone else. Here’s to many more, love you babe!
@TurboNormie @deprecated_ii It could, hopefully not. People have become very separated from their food production for the most part though. I really like Mark Shepard’s approach to solving things. He probably gets 1/2 of the production on his farm compared to the industry, but only puts in a 10th of the inputs. He makes money and has shown others a better way.
c) fix industrial farming practices
@neauoire @rslabbert Well, you have to know these things when you’re a dad you know.
@Berrybunchfamily @MaryMamuzich Happy Anniversary! We also do the car picnic often and sometimes we bring the iPad and make it a drive-in movie!
@danie10 I use this pretty much daily for work. Great program and I’ve been trying to get my company to throw some $ their way.
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