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Finally deciding to see what UXN is all about. I've been intrigued, but haven't had any time to look into it.

One of my best friends with his daughter after her high school Christmas concert! His family was displaced by the Khmer Rouge and a local church in my home town figured out a way to get them out of a Thai refugee camp. We were good friends growing up, but he and his family were Buddhist and didn't have anything to do with the church. We had good discussions and I prayed that he would find his faith one day. That day finally came after college and he and his daughter are believers. Don't give up!

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

@bethany @tanjaostman @sinbach One of our friends in the UK got our Christmas card yesterday, took about 3 weeks.

Happy Anniversary to my awesome wife @mary ! It’s been a wild 11 years full of good times and bad times(mostly good), and I wouldn’t want to have spent them with anyone else. Here’s to many more, love you babe! I know someone who has the Sweet Baby Ray’s model. It just blends in so no one would ever think to look inside.

@TurboNormie @deprecated_ii It could, hopefully not. People have become very separated from their food production for the most part though. I really like Mark Shepard’s approach to solving things. He probably gets 1/2 of the production on his farm compared to the industry, but only puts in a 10th of the inputs. He makes money and has shown others a better way.

Daniel boosted

@Berrybunchfamily @MaryMamuzich Happy Anniversary! We also do the car picnic often and sometimes we bring the iPad and make it a drive-in movie!

Daniel boosted

@danie10 I use this pretty much daily for work. Great program and I’ve been trying to get my company to throw some $ their way.

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Camp Duffel

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