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@eriol @loweel I do believe most people vastly underestimate what it would take to set up a permanent colony, and Mars would be a depressing place to live even if you did. A biosphere under the surface would be the only possibility for long term habitation. If we could figure out how to do that here, people could live pretty much anywhere on earth, and it would be 100x easier.

Why have there been no further attempts at the Biosphere project? It’s been almost 30 years. With people talking about space/Mars colonization and panic over climate change, it seems like a good idea to know how to live in a closed system. Maybe it’s just me, but when I start managing small things well, that momentum grows to larger projects. If we knew the minimum amount of resources required to keep people happy and healthy in a sustainable way, I think we could manage the world better.

Daniel boosted

Every year we watch Darby O’Gill on St. Patrick’s Day, eat something Irish, and have a couple of drinks. We don’t pretend there’s any accuracy to the movie(it was obviously shot in California), but it is fun and whimsical and reminds us of a time when Disney wasn’t so soulless.

Anyone take a gap year before going to university? Trying to convince my daughter that it is a great idea. I didn't, but didn't even know that was an option at the time. The hard societal push to college is just disturbing and I want her to see the world a little bit before deciding what to do with her life.

@atyh I’d be interested in your thoughts on what this would look like. Also, I find it hard to 100% blame most people who live in the “poop”. The learning curve for technical things is steep. Having an example of how nice things could be would be very helpful for showing people that the internet is poo.

@Russ and the medical team have been busy giving sight to the blind, in the name of Jesus, in Panama. They have been stuck for a while due to civil unrest.

"All men know the utility of useful things; but they do not know the utility of futility."
- Chuang-tzu

@jordan We just dropped them after almost 15 years. Their price increase wasn't really the reason, but it made us re-think the value. I'm honestly just tired of watching series/movies and I've always considered those an interest.

Ugh, having kids is a challenge. An autistic one more so. At some point, I'm guessing a couple of weeks ago by the state of things, Heidi turned off a chest freezer full of meat. I've been eating mostly plant-based and had decided to throw a party and feed a bunch of people with it....shame. Yeah, I'm going to re-freeze that before trying to clean it out.

@alex Yes, a few similarities to The Martian, but I liked it better.

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