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@jordan Mint with Cinnamon has worked well for me when I just need something simple and general purposed. Wonder if you have a hardware problem or something?

@ned @Klaatu That is interesting, but if you consider some of the Old Testament miracles and how word of that would have gotten out, maybe not that surprising. I’ve always considered that many Native Americans were closer to Judeo-Christian in a lot of their beliefs than much of Europe or Asia.

@futzle At least it is compostable and won't be around for long right?

@ajroach42 Ok, so I mis-remembered. My grandmother went to visit the Biltmore and wrote about it in 1959. She said her grandfather had talked about it and considered it “obscene”. Half because of the structure and half because of the owner. His uncles did fight for the Confederacy not that long before its construction. She did like the place and thought he would like seeing it too.

@ajroach42 My family lived relatively close to that area when it was built and I think I remember some writings that my great great grandfather did on the Biltmore. They were not wealthy, but not starving either. Let me see if I can hunt those down.

@ajroach42 I just did the tour last week as well and disagree with that sentiment. Being able to live in a country where you can do what you want with what's yours is ideal. A lot of the builders considered the house their magnum opus and many went on to do other great things. I heard that Vanderbilt paid for all of the many parcels. I don't know his whole story but the guy aspired to greatness, which is laudable, and helped a lot of folks. That might be why no one tried to steal the place.

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Daniel boosted

Farewell Fred Ward. Earl Bassett was a late childhood/teenage hero of mine.

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Someone carved the alphabet into a tree and let it deform for five years and made a font out of it:

Anglican church sectarianism 

“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I?”
-Rabbi Hillel

@solene A real human would know the limitations of captcha and understand “close enough”.😂

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Camp Duffel

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