@atyh It's not just the software either. Documentation on how to make it run and troubleshoot often lives in some old forum.
@danie10 We use goTenna from time to time, but didn't know this existed. Installed Bridgefy just in case we're someplace with just our phones.
@mary and I found a new sitter for Heidi so we can go out for a bit together each week. The sitter is 22 and she's trying to finish up school, go out on her own, and she's pretty ambitious and successful. She's mentioned having baby fever and wanting a family and it struck me at how natural, good, and rare that is these days. Most of society would label her as crazy, or at least it would put a black mark on her in the dating scene.
Guys, another friendly reminder, say “No” to central bank digital currencies(CBDC’s). Educate yourself about what they are and understand the seriousness of the dangers they present. Talk to your friends about them because the powers that be will try to force their adoption.
@acnewberry I think the asylum model had a lot of merit, but there were a lot of mistakes as well. We shouldn’t have thrown the baby out with the bath water. When the healthy are prosperous, there are more than enough resources to care for those who can’t take care of themselves.
I didn't want to Frankenstein together a bike for my wife, so I got one online and put it together this afternoon. I learned a few things.
1) The bike is too big for her at 57cm(she is 5'9"), but it is fine for me.
2) Presta valves are a thing.
3) Hauling a child comfortably will require more gears.
4) This is a pretty good single speed. I was pleasantly surprised that it was geared fairly high.
5) It was not relaxing or very comfortable to ride, though 5 miles in 20 mins was nice.
@jordan Moving or leaving?
@atyh I know it's probably weird, but I kinda like the look and feel of a bike with coaster brakes. It can't be hard to convert something to that right?
@atyh I just checked, there is a "re-cyclery" near my church that I will check out. I haven't done much cycling in years, but it really makes sense to tackle fitness and gas prices in one move.
Anyone here build a bike from scratch with online parts? There are some pretty cheap whole bikes with decent reviews, but with a couple flaky parts. Maybe just upgrade those parts? Seems like anywhere wants around $600+ for a decent bike. I just want a steel frame, single speed that fits and rides well.
@atyh Nice! We've been wanting to do a "corn boil", which is like a cookout with mostly corn. A lot of folks use mayo(instead of butter) with chili powder. Need to find a supplier for a couple hundred ears...
Marathon Training: