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I run A/V at my church and it is such a blessing to continually work out the bugs and do rehearsals with all of the volunteers. They are brothers and sisters(some literally), and it is such a sweet time watching their little kids run around while everyone pours out their highest and best. Every week feels like I’m witnessing some monumental part of history. It is such a privilege to be part of this!

Happy Easter! He is risen!
Join us online for worship!

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

@emelie I played and liked this a few years back. Wish people would adapt more books this way.

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

Thoughts on this one. I mean, I think eventually it will happen anyway but that doesn't mean I have to agree with it much less like it.

#money @futzle Read this and 10 minutes later, "Might as well just fire up some Blue Oyster Cult."

Huh, just noticed that all of my contacts from Fosstodon haven't been federating...How many did I have and how long has it been? Maybe a couple months, wow. Did I tick someone off I wonder, or is it a problem with the servers? FYI, you might have to disappear for a couple months before I notice you're gone.

@paoloredaelli You know that concrete is an excellent building material if used correctly. I think it gets an unfair shake when it comes to environmental impact. I’m not sure how this other process works and if it could scale and work with our pumps and such. “Roman” concrete has a bit of survivor’s bias since all of the bad mixes are long gone. We have the technology to build structures that last, but we don’t. Many buildings are demolished before they are even 30 years old.

Daniel boosted

@mathiasx I’m into those things and am currently working on my house too. Been through a lot of planning and compromise. Have done a complete 180 from my initial plans and what started small, has ended up being a giant multigenerational house. Radon isn’t hard to mitigate if you plan for it. We’re doing ICF(Fox Blocks) and for years I thought they were too expensive. When I factored ALL the costs in and saw my friend build one, I was sold.

Here is a slideshow of the work the medical team did recently in Panama:
General Med saw 1150 patients
208 eye surgeries
5000 prescriptions filled
1500 reading glasses handed out

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Camp Duffel

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