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Here's an inspirational video about a lady who made the choice to improve her health by running. She couldn't run 25 seconds in the beginning. A year later, she is working on running 15 miles. The human body has the miraculous ability to repair itself if you let it.

Tell me what you think. I made an clothing outline to categorize every article of clothing (84!) that I should "need" in my current lifestyle/climate. If it doesn't fit here, it gets removed from the house. Did I miss anything obvious? Just tired of my wardrobe being some nebulous thing.

How do you like my Librem 5 case? Kinda sad I’ve been using this for a few months now.

Doing some cleaning/pruning and clothing is something that has always been difficult for me. I don't think much about it, but I am hesitant to throw stuff out. End up having a bunch of crappy clothes that I wouldn't actually wear. I can smell this picture.

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted
‘Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. #Jesus
#Matthew #Christian #ChristianArt #Art #Religion

“The most important discovery you will ever make is the Father’s love.”
- Tyler Stanton

@Big_Diggity We have some of these (or something like them) at our survey shop. With all the electronic data collectors and phones these day, we do a lot less hand writing, but I keep a field book on me just in case.

@Sabex I can't tell if they're complaining or what. They gave them what they asked for. Unless you go to a place that specializes in veg, it's just a bit pompous to expect everyone to cater to a diet that maybe 5% adhere to.

@acnewberry That's the National Association of Timely Orthopedists, Jack.

A lot of pressure is coming down the pipe to make societies cashless. Think CBDCs are a nightmare? How often do you use cash? I don’t care, but I almost have to tranquilize @mary every time it happens.

Heidi keeps really wanting to like seaweed, probably because it looks neat. Grabs a chip, celebrates, takes a bite, can’t quite bring herself to eat it. About like me and Marmite.

Daniel boosted

Metronomes started randomly synchronize after a short period of time as they influence each other through the side-to-side motion of their shared base.

Source: UCLA Physics & Astronomy

It's funny that we use different units of energy for different things. Like when was the last time you heard someone say that their home needed 26,000 calories daily?

Stove Top Stuffing. It's not just for Thanksgiving! It falls right in the Venn diagram of cheap, healthy(ish), easy, quick, shelf stable, and delicious.

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!