@HiroProtagonist Lol, I remember Mouse!
@mboelen We’ve been using this brand going on 15 years and haven’t had a bad battery yet. An electrical engineer friend researched the best brand through experimentation and told us these were the best!
@francisscottkey Soylent Green is people!
@rohan_p Well my 4YO in the US does...😂
@MisterRogersSnapped Dang, that sucks. Hopefully it’s not as bad as it feels. Find a good doctor and take their advice. Acute injury is one thing modern medicine is good at. A couple day water fast probably wouldn’t hurt either. Also this one trick might help.
@Berrybunchfamily Is/was there a standalone dingdash app?
@Berrybunchfamily Yeah, I noticed that too. Thought it might be a problem on my end.
@sirjerrykhurl @adam Now I want some Bojangles. Yeah, none in Colorado.
Top notch reference content if you want to know about digital modems and radio.
@animeirl So no onions?🤨
@mary found this gem😂
New Zealand Covid-19 vaccination database admin turns whistleblower and reveals how many people died after taking bad batches of the Pfizer vaccine. This must be investigated. If this data of mass vaccine casualties is real there must be accountability.
@djsundog Was a little hard finding the video on techradar.
This looks a little like the 5D storage glass that the University of Southampton was working on a few years back. Would love an affordable commercial version!
Listen to that horn!
When you're right, you're right!
From: utzoo!decvax!ucbvax!ARPAVAX:CAD:teklabs!tekcad!franka
Subject: Crypto and key lengths
Date: Thu May 13 08:46:37 1982
Newsgroups: net.misc
The only effect an increase in key length in a cryptographic
system has is to make it more cost effective to break security by more
"traditional" means, e.g. phone taps, kidnap and torture of those who
know the keys, etc.
Moravians in Winston-Salem, NC
@sirjerrykhurl Home sweet home! That place and the history of Bethabara is so cool. Some of my ancestors. My church would get together with the Moravian church around Christmas annually. Played in their brass band for a couple of years too.
Marathon Training: