I’m not sure how this hasn’t come up before, but Timber and Mesa (our Border Collies) think “guac” and “walk” are synonymous.

@LibrarianRA Those remind me of the elevators in In the Line of Fire with Clint Eastwood.

Went to check my SIP provider credit balance because I thought after a couple of years it had to be low. Nope! It had only burned $7.50 for 2 phone numbers in that time. We don't use the "land line" all that often, but it definitely comes in handy from time to time.

@mary had dinner tonight with all her sisters so, after I put the princess to bed, I had the opportunity to rewatch Napoleon Dynamite after almost 20 years. Mary just doesn’t get it, but it still makes me laugh!

@rl_dane Honestly I don't notice much difference, but the N150 is mostly used headless. What is interesting is how the price displays differently. When I'm signed in on Amazon it runs $160 with a coupon...very hard to beat that value.

@rl_dane While not desktops, I've been using FreeBSD on T480s lately that I got for around ~$200. I've also been using these energy efficient guys (which have come down in price) amazon.com/dp/B0DM25BD7Y

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

Palms were offline devices that only synced with your computer when put on a docking station.

You could read and reply to emails offline, book or cancel meetings, and sync with your computer later. The latest versions allowed you to snap pictures and listen to your music.

No servers running constantly. No data spilled everywhere. Days worth of battery on a single charge.

The future stole our cables, and it took our attention span and our privacy with it.

#privacy #offline #data

@Vo @HiroProtagonist "Hello. My name is Inigo Magneto. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

What’s better than a T480 running FreeBSD? Three T480’s running FreeBSD!

@reiver That looks amazing, and now I want to rewatch Blade Runner 2049.

Has anyone else noticed that almost every box or package these days is basically impossible to open cleanly because they use too much glue in the packaging?

I was in town and near the FreeBSD Foundation address, so I decided to drop by. It’s just a mailbox.

Daniel boosted

Salvation at the Graduation!
In this Buddhist dominated country, the non-Christians relatives attended the Bible School Graduation, were just thinking of clicking of a selfie with their children. They got more than what they bargained for... One of the Pastors at the Graduation service, shared the simple Gospel message and gave an alter call, close to 10 people responded and accepted Christ. (Representative picture)

I got excited when I saw that there was a Nextcloud Social app that integrated with the Fediverse. I couldn't get it to work at all.😞

Just go and talk to someone working in retail or fast food like they’re a human being. Ask them how their day’s going and thank them. You’ll notice how unaccustomed they are to be treated decently and how much it brightens their day.

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