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@stevelord So are the custom Retrozer0s you're making use the ESP32? If so, what kind of power consumption have you seen when running all out? I see that it can go into deep sleep down to 17μW. Also this might be an ignorant question, but if we're talking simple dedicated uses, how hard would it be to forgo an OS all together?

Eating some lentils for lunch and was curious. Will make room in the garden for these.

I just woke up from a terrible nightmare. If you were to ask me what I was afraid of, I would have had a hard time answering you before. Spiders, snakes on a plane, clowns? No, I was just about to be inaugurated as the POTUS on the 20th. Having the weight of so much responsibility just thrust upon me, unexpectedly, was absolutely terrifying. Pray for our leaders, they need it. It really made me think about the gravity of the Bible verse about Jesus, "and the government will be on His shoulders".

Daniel boosted

Armbian installed and / has been moved to the ssd. Armbian is great BTW.

Not the best picture, poor girl is getting the last few teeth in, but she is wearing a dress that her great great grandmother made for my mother. It is of excellent quality and the first of many that she is big enough to wear. My great grand parents wore a lot of hats to make ends meet, but there is no doubt that my great grandmother was a talented seamstress. My guess is that these dresses were made of leftover fabric from well to do clients.

Some of my friends somehow got John Noble to record a Christmas video for their dad. It was pretty awesome.

One of those days when we're pouring concrete and it's freezing before it sets...

Happy 10th Anniversary to my amazing wife! You're a trooper, my love, and my best friend. I'll cherish you forever!

My friend and neighbor just died rather unexpectedly. She is survived by her husband, kids and grandkids. She was so very full of life it seemed, a real go getter. She is a sister in Christ and was finishing building a house to retire in. So many unfinished plans. Our lives are but a vapor, don't assume there's a tomorrow.

@ajroach42 Still keeping up with your thoughts on the MDC. One of the neat things about space travel, if we ever get around to doing it much, will be that it will force our hand to develop computers like this. Because of the distances and possible time dilation, things will have to be built to REALLY last and be backwards compatible. If a company started making products like this, I'm sure there would be a big market and it could change computing for the better.

Laziness, damned laziness, and statistics. 

@lo What do you use for a wine opener? Was going to get something nicer than the old design, but reviews say most everything falls apart within a year or two.

Just cooked red wheat berries for the first time. It is crazy how good they are, yet how uncommon it is to eat them in US. I've never had wheat berries and I prefer them to rice.

1 part(volume) berries to 3 parts water, add a little salt, 35 min high pressure instant pot. Drain, add a little Yum Yum sauce and turmeric. Not bad.

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