Working on the computer this morning while listening to the Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack. Escape started playing and Heidi ran over and looked down to me through the balusters on the main level. She barked some toddler-speak at me indicating that she wanted to dance. We did and it was beautiful.
This lady was my age when Hitler invaded France...that is nuts to think about.
What about a #Mastodon temporary residence?
An instance that hosts people interested in mastodon, introduces them around and empowers them to either find an instance they might enjoy or make their own?
You get 6mos. on the instance and after that you spread your wings migrating with all your new friends to an instance of your own.
This would help spread the idea of decentralization and to an extent, self-hosting.
I've been re-doing the reverse ceiling plan for the new house. I picked up and wired one of the actual lights to see how it looked today. It is absolutely amazing how much better lighting has become in 20 years. These are 4" slim recessed LED lights and I don't even have to install a can. If you're building new or remodeling, give Halo or Lithonia slim LEDs a try.
Update on Heidi. She was pretty grumpy after the surgery, but the doc said he had to wash the fluid out of her ears and that it was the consistency of glue. He thought it was probably impacting her hearing by around 30dB! She just woke up from a nap and we can tell that she is hearing things clearly for the first time! God is good! It is so great seeing her watch her go-to videos with a new excitement. Thank you for your continual prayers and praise God for answering them! Video to come soon.
Folks, I can't explain it any other way, and I have always been a bit of a Thomas when it comes to divine healing, but since you have been praying for Heidi she has said her first word and several others. She is focusing on us more and mimicking us! It's not that we haven't been trying. She's been seeing a play therapist and a speech therapist with no results. My wife is in happy tears! God does exist and He hears. More importantly He CARES enough to act on our behalf. Please don't stop praying!
Marathon Training: