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Daniel boosted

Every year we watch Darby O’Gill on St. Patrick’s Day, eat something Irish, and have a couple of drinks. We don’t pretend there’s any accuracy to the movie(it was obviously shot in California), but it is fun and whimsical and reminds us of a time when Disney wasn’t so soulless.

Anyone take a gap year before going to university? Trying to convince my daughter that it is a great idea. I didn't, but didn't even know that was an option at the time. The hard societal push to college is just disturbing and I want her to see the world a little bit before deciding what to do with her life.

@Russ and the medical team have been busy giving sight to the blind, in the name of Jesus, in Panama. They have been stuck for a while due to civil unrest.

"All men know the utility of useful things; but they do not know the utility of futility."
- Chuang-tzu

Ugh, having kids is a challenge. An autistic one more so. At some point, I'm guessing a couple of weeks ago by the state of things, Heidi turned off a chest freezer full of meat. I've been eating mostly plant-based and had decided to throw a party and feed a bunch of people with it....shame. Yeah, I'm going to re-freeze that before trying to clean it out.

This is about a farming family that I knew growing up. Good folks who excelled in everything they set their minds to. Steven's brother, Rick, has been involved in computing for a long time and is humble enough to keep a lot of his accomplishments to himself. I would bet that he has made a huge impact on the industry.

Daniel boosted

I really should write up that whole "Computers used to be like stone towers constructed by wizards for specific purposes, and now they're mostly identical apartment blocks" piece that's been kicking around on my head for a while.

It's not a bitter or negative comparison, I'm not going all "things were better in the good old days", but ... I guess I'm trying to build a tower here, just to remember how it was done.

Maybe I'll allow visitors at some point.

26-inch thick armor from a Japanese Yamato class battleship, pierced by a US Navy 16-inch gun. The armor is on display at the US Navy Museum.

Daniel boosted

It's a snowy morning here in Denver, but you can join us online for worship!

The Goldeneye development team at Rare, back in the 90's, probably got more lawns mown than all of the landscaping marketing worldwide. If their faces look familiar it's because they used them for character skins. My brother and I were SO excited when we had finally saved up enough to buy an N64 console and this game. I'm not sure if my daughter's generation has anything quite like that to look back on.

Daniel boosted
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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!