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Daniel boosted

If you build it, they will come.🙂
Had a nice evening with the family, and the elk joined us at the park.

Daniel boosted

First post to the Fediverse via Starlink! Not in a great location yet, just wanted to see if it worked.

Daniel boosted

Covid ruined a lot of planning, but we are getting back on track. Nate's in Columbia!

Oh. Apparently three other books were written and it is a series.

Did any of you ever read The Giver? It was a new book when we read it in elementary school and it has some good messages that kids these days need to hear. I just learned that it was mostly banned. The movie with Jeff Bridges is pretty solid too.

Daniel boosted

2006: Death of Harriet (b.1830 (correct)), the Galapagos tortoise collected by Charles Darwin on his famous voyage aboard Beagle, and long-time resident of the Australia Zoo.
[Photo: herself (right)]

There is going to be a big push for Central Bank Digital Currencies(CBDC’s) across the world in the near future. When the push comes, resist it as hard as you can, because it's basically the end of humanity as a free species if it's widely adopted. Opt for cash or cryptocurrencies. Imagine your bank offering to exchange your money to CBDC’s along with some perks…shoot that down immediately. Not just, “No”, but, “Hell no!”. Vote out any politician who suggests otherwise.

Yay! Starlink should be here within 2 weeks!
Just spent a few hours yesterday dealing with Xfinity. Can’t wait to cut them out.🤞

I watched John Oliver tonight, for a change, and he discussed the housing crisis. The Left sees material inequality as the great evil and is usually more interested in fighting that than tyranny. Tonight, however, Oliver was more in line with the Father in his thinking than some(myself included) Christians. God really does desire and mean that, "There need be no poor people among you" and "In that day each of you will invite your neighbor to sit under your vine and fig tree". The American Dream.

Daniel boosted
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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!