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Something I’ve noticed after eating plant-based for a while and then having some meat. I absolutely feel like I’ve been food poisoned and have aches. This has happened enough times that it can’t be a coincidence. I feel great eating only plants, but I don’t obsess about being 100%. I want to keep the option to be able to eat anything available. Anyone have an idea about what the mechanism is behind this?

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

Someone had AI generate Alien: the Musical and unfortunately it looks incredible.

Via Twatter @OfficialMaggieL

Daniel boosted

“Gather up the broken pieces which are left over, that nothing be lost.”

If Jesus said this about leftover food, think about how much more you are worth to him.

The series Silo is pretty good. Season 2 of From...not so much. Doubt there will be a season 3.

Daniel boosted

I was thinking about #influence today.

In a decade or so, most of the popular and debated theology books and Christian Bestsellers will be only available from second-hand bookshops and specialist libraries.

In a week or so, that viral tweet or popular toot will be all but forgotten.

But 408 years ago, a man called Nicolas Herman, was born in an unremarkable town to a peasant family. Much of his adult life revolved around doing dishes in a French monastery. As far as we know, he never wrote a single book, nor did he go on a promotional tour.

But he left a deep impact on people. So much so that, after his death, letters he has sent were collated into a book. This book, The Practice of The Presence of God, published under the name of Brother Lawrence, the name Nicolas took in the monastery, is still read today and still affects people, hundreds of years after he died.

One ordinary man's peace and desire to always be close to God affected generations after generations.

What does that mean to me?
I would rather chase what God says is meaningful than what the world rushes after. I'm probably not going to influence generations like Brother Lawrence but I can influence my family and I can seek the Kingdom first, just like he did, and just like Jesus told us too.

#theologadon #theology #books

Anybody know Issur Herschelevitch Danielovitch?

Anyone ever been to the Khan Shatyr? Even though it was a one-off, the idea looks ripe for mass production. A "small" 30 person tent would be slick. There is something similar at the Lighthouse ArtSpace in Denver.

Daniel boosted

I would encourage everyone to talk to your doc and try a plant-based diet for a few weeks. Do some blood panels and fitness tests before and after. I’ve been back on it for a couple weeks now and feel great. Today I moved 12 tons of wet, compacted mulch all over a 2 acre property by hand in 3 hours. My brother-in-laws, who are fit and go to the gym, looked beat after they finished their piles. I felt like I could have done it two more times.

Shout out to one of the best scenes and movies in the last 10 years.

My NAS is getting full and I need to upgrade the drives soon. Many are over 7 years old and going strong. I'm amazed that 22TB drives are a thing now and that an individual has long been able to have more movies in a computer than a whole movie rental store in times past. If you can imagine putting DVD movie cases on a shelf, think about filling a shelf about 200 feet long. That's how much data fits on one consumer drive now.

Daniel boosted

JRR Tolkien wrote in an English rooted in the Britain of 100 years ago. For that reason we're starting to lose touch with the language used in the book.

This is a thread of words and references that I have noticed in my current read-through, which I think might easily be misunderstood.

Wouldn’t it be wild if Titan didn’t fail on its own, but rather was snagged by a squid or whale?

Daniel boosted
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