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Daniel boosted

Just finished re-reading A Prayer for Owen Meany...WOW again.😥 👼

I remember when these were first developed. Wish they had taken off in a bigger way. I might try to hunt down the folks involved and put together some info for those interested.

I could totally see myself falling down this rabbit hole.
Homing Pigeons are amazing!

Daniel boosted

Apple to finally bring RCS to iPhones: But alongside iMessage

I was really sure this was an early April Fool’s joke, but it appears to be genuine…

Apple will keep its iMessage as-is, so that won’t affect its security, and they don’t want to bring iMessage either to Android (as that would lose them customers).

Righ ...continues


#apple #imessage #RCS #technology

Daniel boosted

What does it mean for a computer to be Personal? What does it mean for a computer to be legible? What is the role of a computer user? What is the role of a programmer? Why is there a distinction? Must there be?

What is the role of a computer in modern life? What should it be?

Daniel boosted

Disagreeing with Israel on a matter is NOT antisemitism
Caring for civilian Palestinian lives is NOT antisemitism
Being concerned about the bombings in Gaza is NOT antisemitism
Reservedly understanding there is a reason for the bombing is NOT anti-Palestinian
Desiring a ceasefire is NOT antisemitism, is NOT pro-Hamas
Calling for the death of all Jews IS antisemitism
Calling for the death of any group of people is anti-that-group-of-people

But don't let a handy label get in the media's way.

Musical harmony, sure, but that’s not what I’m talking about.

Hanging out with over 30 family members in Jamaica tonight. We just got finished having a devo and singing a few hymns. It is a legit miracle how much harmony we all have together. Proof of God stuff🙂

@nbailey Your guide inspired me to set up a VOIP rotary phone, thanks! It's a fun conversation piece and I forgot how nice handsets are. The 4YO seems drawn to it as well. Can't wait to order a pizza with it later this week!

Daniel boosted

Anyone sit around and listen to audiobooks/shows with family and friends?

Daniel boosted

I often get asked something like:

"Why work on email clients? Isn't Gmail what most people use?"

The answer: a ton of people use Gmail and O365/Outlook. So many that it is endangering the email standard. But Email is the most decentralized communication technology out there - and great clients help protect that. So that folks can have a great email experience, regardless of the server/provider they use.

Protect email. Use Thunderbird.

Daniel boosted

it's endlessly funny to me that humanity FIRST figured out how to show pictures on a screen by using carefully calibrated and timed electromagnets to sweep an electron beam of varying intensity across a glass panel coated in phosphor thousands of times a second, and SECOND put a bunch of lights in a rectangle

We’re getting snow and our first frost of the season. It’s time for the ritual blanket fort!

Daniel boosted

New Law Mandates 'Kill Switches' in ALL Cars from 2026 Onwards!

Of course there are a lot of serious concerns about this new law.

Car Coach Reports

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Camp Duffel

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